Hyper-realistic Sculpture of Spiral Staircase Symbolizing Unity and Diversity

a model of a spiral staircase in a glass case

A hyper-realistic image showcases a DNA strand swirling upward in a complex spiral like a carefully wrought staircase. Precise, fine details are crisp in focus, giving the surreal creation an almost tangible presence. Diverse colors harmoniously weave through the structure, symbolizing unity and interconnectedness, while the image's composition gently balances light and shade. This extraordinary piece of art subtly intertwines science and symbolism to inspire thoughts of unity and diversity.

/imagine prompt: Depict a universal symbol, such as a globe, peace sign, or DNA strand, in a hyper-realistic and creative manner. The image should convey the ideas of unity, diversity, and interconnectedness. Shot with a Nikon D3400, include fine details, crisp focus and a balanced color composition. Fine-art photography style --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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