Imposing Majestic White Cloud Formation in Clear Sky High-Resolution Image

a large cloud of white smoke is in the sky

This image showcases a colossal cumulus cloud, it's imposing figure towering against a crystal-clear, azure sky. The luminous whiteness of the cloud stands in striking contrast to the surrounding blues, its soft, cotton-like texture suggests a surreal calmness. The image passionately mirrors the nuanced aesthetics of fine-art photography, conveying a sense of majesty, tranquility and other-worldliness, akin to the artistry seen in profound matte paintings.

/imagine prompt: A high-resolution image of a towering cumulus cloud, capturing its imposing majestic formation against a clear, azure sky. The light contrast, soft texture, and surreal whiteness emphasized. Fine-art photography in the style of Ansel Adams, shot with a Sony Alpha a7 III for high detail. --v 5.2 --ar 2:1
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