Realistic Large White Cloud Against a Striking Blue Sky in High Resolution

a large cloud of white clouds in a blue sky

This image showcases a magnificent, realistic cloud soaring within a vivid blue sky. Every delicate wisp and bold, looming arc of the cloud is captured with striking, sharp details, while the exquisite textures invoke an almost palpable sense of ambiance. The cloud stands isolated against the brilliant blue, creating a serene yet arresting spectacle. The sky serves as an expansive canvas, highlighting the cloud's ethereal, radiant beauty.

/imagine prompt: High-resolution, PNG semantic image of a realistic cloud, captured against a striking blue sky. Sharp photo-details, isolated on a transparent background, shot with Sony A7R IV to ensure ultra-high resolution, neutral density filter for cloud structure preservation. Fine-art photography style. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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