Intense Male Portrait in Monochrome with Beard and Face Tattoos

a man with a beard and tattoos on his face

This image captures a mid-20s male in a neutral but intense pose; he bristles with quiet defiance. His shaved head, beard and facial tattoos are thrown into stark relief against a grey backdrop. The flat, harsh lighting amplifies the severity of the scene, echoing the ambiance of an old police mugshot. Set against his plain white tee, his character portrait, both front-on and side profile, appears in high-contrast monochrome.

/imagine prompt: Mug shot of a mid-20s male with a defiant look. Shoot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV in a controlled studio environment. Use a grey backdrop, stark flat lighting, and capture a front-on and side profile image. The subject should wear a plain white tee, keep the expression neutral but intense. Monochrome, high contrast, reminiscent of old police mug shots --v 5.2 --ar 5:4
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