Luxurious Traditional Thobe Portrait in Scenic Desert Landscape

a man with a beard wearing a blue outfit

In this striking portrait, a man exudes pride and strength as he stands tall in a traditional thobe. The intricate embroidery on the luxurious fabric is a testament to its opulence, while the warm and vivid colors of the scenic desert landscape at dusk create a captivating backdrop. The high-resolution capture allows for remarkable detail, bringing out the fine art style of this character portrait by a talented artist.

/imagine prompt: Detailed and rich portrait of a man in a traditional thobe. Emphasize on the luxurious fabric, intricate embroidery, and the man's proud stature. The backdrop should be a scenic desert landscape at dusk, with vivid warm colours. Use a Nikon Z7 for high-resolution, compositional balance, fine art style --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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