Portrait of a Noble Arabic Man in Traditional Attire under a Moonlit Desert Sky

a man in a turban standing in the desert

Under a moonlit desert sky, a noble Arabic man, dignified in appearance, gazes sternly towards the viewer. His traditional attire, punctuated with intricate embroidery, echoes his aura of significance. The low contrast of the scene ensures he stands as an arresting figure against the boundless, dusky landscape. Shadows and highlights dance subtly across the frame, capturing the raw beauty of the desolate surroundings and the man's striking presence.

/imagine prompt: Arabic man, noble and dignified, traditional attire, intricate embroidery details on clothing, under a moonlit desert sky, stern gaze towards the camera, striking portraiture, commercial style photography, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV to capture exquisite detail, natural lighting, low contrast --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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