Moonlit Desert Portrait of a Noble Arabic Man in Traditional Attire

a man with a beard and a blue robe

A man of noble and dignified stature appears under a moonlit desert sky, clad in traditional Arabic attire. The cloth showcases intricate embroidery, captured impeccably, enhancing its richness. His stern gaze is aimed at the viewer, creating a striking, intimate portrait. Illuminated by natural lighting, the low contrast image captures the ethereal quiet of the desert night, while underscoring the man's distinguished presence.

/imagine prompt: Arabic man, noble and dignified, traditional attire, intricate embroidery details on clothing, under a moonlit desert sky, stern gaze towards the camera, striking portraiture, commercial style photography, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV to capture exquisite detail, natural lighting, low contrast --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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