Newborn Baby Swaddled in Soft Pastels with Flower Crown in Natural Light

a baby wrapped in a blanket wearing a flower crown

Cradled in soft pastels, a newborn radiates sheer bliss and curiosity, encapsulating innocence and charm. Wisps of hair delicately top the child's head, while a twinkle of wonder sparkles in their eyes. The sight is enveloped in soothing natural light, conveying a harmonious hint of gentleness and peace that marks the ambiance of the image. The child's enchanting, rosy features are detailed, accentuating the captivating tenderness of early life.

/imagine prompt: Capture the pure delight and wonderment of a newborn baby comfortably swaddled in soft pastels. The child should exude innocence and charm, with the camera capturing fine details, from the wisps of hair to the sparkle in the child's eyes. Natural light envelops the setting, instilling the image with a sense of gentleness and tranquility. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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