Peaceful Sleeping Newborn Swaddled in Soft Pastel Blanket

a baby is sleeping in a pink blanket

This image tenderly captures the tranquility of a newborn baby peacefully sleeping, swaddled in a soft blanket. The infant's delicate features, complete with tiny eyelashes and a button nose, are relaxed suggesting deep, untroubled slumber. The pastel pink blanket securely wrapping the baby adds to the scene's serenity. The details are softly blurred yet resonant, portraying the essence of an endearing sleeping baby.

The serene colors employed imbue the image with gentleness and warmth from every angle. A soft focus surrounds the baby, further enhancing the tranquil ambiance. There is a dreamlike quality to the scene, where everything seems to revolve around the peacefully sleeping newborn, implying the preciousness of these early moments of life.

/imagine prompt: Newborn baby swaddled in a soft blanket, with closed eyes and a peaceful expression. Employ a soft, pastel color palette, the style should convey gentleness and warmth. Achieve pictorialism using a shallow depth of field for soft focus --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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