Peaceful Newborn Baby Swaddled in Soft Pastel Blanket

a newborn baby is wrapped in a blanket

The image captures a tranquil scene of a newborn baby, swaddled snugly in a soft blanket. The child's eyes are closed, and a peaceful expression rests on the tiny, innocent face. The baby is in deep slumber, seemingly unperturbed by the world around. The blanket forms soft folds around the baby, creating a cocoon of warmth and security.

The visual tone is imbued with a pastel palette, bringing forth a sense of mellow gentleness. The image is rendered with a shallow depth of field, putting the spotlight on the sleeping infant while leaving the surrounding backdrop in a soft blur. This technique infuses a touch of pictorialism into the image, further enhancing the calm and serene atmosphere it creates.

/imagine prompt: Newborn baby swaddled in a soft blanket, with closed eyes and a peaceful expression. Employ a soft, pastel color palette, the style should convey gentleness and warmth. Achieve pictorialism using a shallow depth of field for soft focus --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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