Ultra-Detailed Photorealistic Old Master Style Painting of Woman by Window

a woman sitting in front of a window next to a curtain

This image portrays a woman sitting gracefully by a window, the soft light casting intricate shadows on her face and the nearby curtain. The scene captures classical elegance, with stunning contrasts between light and dark reminiscent of chiaroscuro techniques. Details are strikingly sharp, revealing the texture and depth typical of oil canvas. The richness of color gives a sense of the artistry common in Old Master paintings, faithfully rendered in a digital format.

/imagine prompt: Envision a faithful reproduction of an Old Master painting in ultra-detailed photorealistic rendering. Referencing the techniques of Vermeer and Rembrandt, create a composition with classical elegance, intricate details, stunning contrasts and chiaroscuro lighting effects. Highlight texture, depth, and the richness of oil on canvas in a digital format --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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