Photorealistic Image of a White Snow Leopard with Blue Eyes in Winter Landscape

a white snow leopard with blue eyes looks at the camera

An ethereal image captures a snow leopard, its pristine white coat a stark contrast against a winter backdrop. The azure gleam of its eyes lends an air of mystery and grace. Displaying palpable realism, the fine detailing on the fur is so meticulous that individual strands are discernible, and the leopard's innate elegance is accentuated. The image utterly surrounds the viewer with the creature's calm but commanding presence in its icy wilderness.

/imagine prompt: High-resolution, ethereal image capturing the delicate beauty of a white animal in its natural habitat, be it a snow leopard, an Arctic fox or a Swan; shot in the style of fine art photography using Canon EOS R5. Capturing the pristine fur/feather, hovering blue eyes against a contrasting winter or monochrome backdrop, captured in its innate elegance, grace and a sense of mystery --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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