Close-Up Portrait of an Aristocratic Man in Victorian Suit in Night Street Setting

a man wearing a suit and bow tie

The image portrays a handsome, muscular man centered in an elegant attire reminiscent of the Victorian era. He is standing waist-high, framed against the backdrop of a night street setting of what could be a Victorian London scene. A sharp, detailed view is offered from front perspective, showcasing the intricate features of his moonlit face and the detailed embroidery on his opulent coat and bow tie, signifying the essence of an aristocratic persona.

A dramatic romanticism envelops the image, augmented by its high contrasting and crisp details. Cinematic lighting accentuates his stern face, creating an aura of intense mystery and intrigue. The blending of dramatic night hues and deep shadows of the Gothic backdrop further immerse the viewer into an epically envisioned Victorian night. Despite the intensity and drama, there persists an underlining elegance and grace, reflecting the man's austere sophistication.

/imagine prompt: Detailed close-up portrait, front view, waist-high portrait of a handsome brutal muscular 35-year-old man in the image of an elegant aristocrat in a luxurious Victorian suit, in the background a night street of Victorian London, high detail, high contrast and clarity, octane rendering, book cover, concept art, artistic, 8k, photography, photorealism, dramatic, romantic, gothic, epic, cinematic lighting --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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