Monochrome Portrait of a Stylish Man in Hat in Urban Setting

a man in a suit and tie with a hat

The image presents a sharply dressed man in an urban landscape. His defined facial features are dramatically emphasized using chiaroscuro lighting, creating a stark contrast between light and shadow. The man's fashionable suit and tilted hat project an air of Manhattan street elegance. The scene is dappled with gritty textures, resonating with the atmosphere of city life. The image is a black and white composition, rich in contrast and detail.

/imagine prompt: Portrait of a man in an urban setting, sharp facial features emphasized through chiaroscuro lighting. He's dressed in a stylish suit with a tilted hat, embodying the vibes of Manhattan street life, in the style of fashion editorial photography, gritty textures, and high contrast black and white --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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