Confident Cool Guy in Leather Jacket in Vibrant Autumn Cityscape

a man in a black shirt and a black leather jacket

In the midst of a picturesque autumn cityscape, a 'cool guy' stands confidently. Clad in a sleek leather jacket, stylish sunglasses, and a trendy beanie, he exudes a carefree attitude. The emphasis lies on his self-assured posture and relaxed expression. Natural lighting bathes the scene, enhancing the vibrant fall colors that surround him. The image captures crisp details and showcases high-resolution photography for an immersive character portrait.

/imagine prompt: Create an image of a 'cool guy' in the middle of an autumn city landscape. He's casually dressed in a leather jacket, stylish sunglasses, and a beanie. The focus is on his confident stance and carefree expression. Use natural lighting to heighten the vibrant fall colors. Have a DSLR Nikon D850 handy for crisp, detailed, high-resolution photography. --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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