Sophisticated Afro-American Male Model in Urban Setting Wearing High-end Fashion

a man with a beard wearing sunglasses

This image features an Afro-American man exuding an air of inspiration and charm. He's donned sophisticated, high-end clothing in rich earthy tones, enhancing the intellectual aura amplified by a pair of sleek glasses atop a smoothly groomed beard. The backdrop is an enlightened urban setting, further highlighting the man's confidence and sophistication. Enhancing the naturalistic aura is the mild, sun-kissed lighting illuminating him, making this capture a testament to urban poise.

/imagine prompt: Afro-American man, fashion model, inspirational, high detail, natural lighting, precise hyper-realism. He is scholarly, sporting glasses, a well-groomed beard, high-end clothing in rich, earthy colors. Captured in a modern urban setting, reflecting confidence and sophistication, Nikon D850, 8K resolution --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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