Serene Group Meditation of Tibetan Monks in Mountain Temple

a group of people in orange robes sitting in a field

In this image, a group of Tibetan monks are positioned reverently in meditation within a minimalistic mountain temple. The peaceful and serene atmosphere is accentuated by their vibrant red traditional attire, starkly contrasting with the crisp, white surroundings. The scene quivers with latent spiritual transcendence, forming an emotionally charged tableau that eloquently presents the essence of soulful storytelling.

/imagine prompt: Group of Tibetan monks meditating in a secluded mountain temple, peaceful, serene atmosphere, traditional clothing, vibrant reds against a crisp white backdrop, simplistic architectural style, spiritual transcendence, strong emotional connection, ultra high-res, soulful storytelling --v 5.2 --ar 16:9
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