Serene Image of Meditating Buddha Among Blooming Lotus Flowers in a Zen Garden

a buddha statue sitting in a field of pink flowers

This image captures a tranquil scene of a stone-textured Buddha serenely meditating in a serene Zen garden. Blooming lotuses in stunning shades of pink surround the statue, creating an atmosphere of calm and spirituality. The gentle cascade of dawn light brings a soft, peaceful glow to the scene, illuminating the intricate detailing on the statue. The overall clarity and peaceful aura of the image is truly inspirational.

/imagine prompt: Design an inspirational, serene image of Buddha meditating in a Zen garden, amidst blooming lotuses. Exude tranquility and spirituality, portraying the statue in stone texture, with gentle cascading dawn light, shot on a Nikon D850 for utmost clarity and peace. --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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