Serene Meditation Session in Natural Lighting with Focus on Breathing Technique

a woman in a tank top sitting in front of a window

This image captures the tranquil moment of a woman in deep meditation. Dressed subtly in a tank top, she is sitting near a window, her chest rhythmically rising and falling, denoting her structured breath work. Soft natural light filters through, highlighting her serene face. Delicate blurs suggest the flow of her inhalations and exhalations. An overall earthy monochrome palette imparts a peaceful solitude that pervades the scene.

/imagine prompt: Evoke a tactile sense of breath work in an image of a woman in meditative pose. Subtle focus on chest rise and fall, natural tones, blur effect to signify inhalation and exhalation, soft natural light. Consider capturing a peaceful, serene sense of solitude, shot with Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III. --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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