Tranquil Close-Up Portrait of Meditating Buddha Statue

a close up of a buddha statue with eyes closed

This image portrays a serene depiction of Gautama Buddha in a meditative posture. With eyes closed and a subtle smile, his face radiates tranquillity. The statue is styled in a minimalistic zen aesthetic, emphasizing simplicity and calmness. Earth tones enhance the image, creating a warm and grounding atmosphere. The close-up shot captures fine details with remarkable realism, making it resemble a fine-art photograph. It invites viewers to experience a sense of inner peace and contemplation.

/imagine prompt: Depiction of Gautama Buddha, meditative posture, the face exuding tranquillity, eyes closed, subtle smile, styled in minimalistic zen aesthetic. Earth tones, close-up shot, emphasis on the fine details. Highly realistic, fine-art photography. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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