Tranquil Portrait of Empowered Woman Practicing Self-Love in Solitude

a woman with long hair looking out of a window

A woman is bathed in gentle, natural light, her long hair cascading gracefully and her expression emanating tranquility. The serenely peaceful atmosphere wraps around her, reflecting her inner calm. This image of self-empowerment and self-love showcases her in solitude, her face softly lit and her surroundings awash in a harmonious interplay of light and shadow, projecting a palpable sense of tranquility and peace.

/imagine prompt: A self-empowered woman practicing self-love in solitude. 8k resolution capturing the moment of tranquillity and peace, a serene atmosphere, natural light falling on the woman's face, reflecting inner serenity, soft focus, a harmonious play of light and shadow --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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