Woman Practicing Breathwork in Meditative Pose with Soft Lighting

a woman with her eyes closed and her hair blowing in the wind

A woman sits in meditative solitude, exuding peace and serenity under the embrace of soft, natural light. Her chest rises and falls gently with each mindful breath, accentuated by a subtle blur effect, injecting life and corporeal warmth into the image. The color palette is steeped in soothing natural tones, complementing the tranquil ambiance and highlighting her closed eyes and windblown hair, suggestive of a gust following an exhale.

/imagine prompt: Evoke a tactile sense of breath work in an image of a woman in meditative pose. Subtle focus on chest rise and fall, natural tones, blur effect to signify inhalation and exhalation, soft natural light. Consider capturing a peaceful, serene sense of solitude, shot with Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III. --v 5.2 --ar 4:5
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