Captivating Fine Art Photograph Capturing Visible Breath

a woman with her eyes closed blowing smoke

In this ethereal fine-art-style photograph, a serene woman with closed eyes delicately blows smoke, creating visible puffs of breath that float against the cold air. The lighting is soft, casting a gentle glow on her face, highlighting the details of her tranquil expression. The image captures a moment of tranquility and introspection, evoking a sense of serenity and calmness. The clarity and attention to detail enhance the overall visual impact of this captivating composition.

/imagine prompt: An ethereal fine-art-style photograph that manages to visibly convey the concept of breath. Perhaps a close-up of a person in winter, each exhalation forming visible puffs of warm breath against the cold air, or yoga practitioner in tranquility. Give particular attention to lighting and details; use a Sony A7R IV for maximum clarity. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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