"Sophisticated Man in White Turtleneck and Black Blazer in Modern Apartment Setting"

a man in a black suit and turtle neck sweater

This is a sophisticated portrait of a man in his late 30s, dressed in a crisp white turtleneck and sharp black blazer. He resides elegantly within a minimalist, modern apartment of contemporary finishings. The image captures the play of natural light on a wooden floor and soft shadows that add depth. The man's sharp eyes provide a focal point, the entire scene expertly conveyed through a monotone color palette.

/imagine prompt: High resolution, immaculate portrait of a man in his late 30s, wearing a white turtleneck and black blazer, shot in a minimalist, modern apartment with contemporary decor. Focus on expression, sharp eyes, natural light bouncing off wooden floor, soft shadows, layering depth to the image, monotone color palette --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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