Golden Buddha Statue in Serene Garden: Capturing Tranquility and Intricate Details

a golden buddha statue with flowers in front of it

In a tranquil garden, a serene sculpture of Gautama Buddha stands as a symbol of peace and spirituality. Bathed in the soft hues of the golden hour, the image captures a ray of sunlight delicately reflecting off the figure, casting a gentle glow. The intricate details of the sculpture are prominently showcased, allowing viewers to appreciate the artistry. The intentional use of a wide aperture creates a soothing atmosphere, complemented by the deliberate bokeh effect, inviting a sense of tranquility.

/imagine prompt: A serene image of a sculpture of Gautama Buddha, in a peaceful garden, captured during the golden hour. Emphasize the ray of sunlight reflecting off the sculpture, the intricate details should also be showcased. A wide aperture and deliberate bokeh help create an atmosphere of tranquil spirituality --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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