Tranquil Zen Garden with Buddha Statue and Blossoming Cherry Tree

a buddha statue sitting in front of a pink tree

This image captures a serene meditative picture of a Buddha statue, deeply absorbed in tranquility. The scene is set in a peaceful Zen garden awash with verdant green foliage and periodically punctuated by a burst of radiant pink cherry blossoms. The soft morning light casting long, contemplative shadows complements the setting's tranquility. The eerily lifelike detail of the image and the harmonious composition amplify its calming, peaceful aesthetic.

/imagine prompt: Meditation Buddha in a serene Zen garden, filled with green foliage and accented with vibrant pink cherry blossoms, photograph incorporates soft morning light casting long shadows, a feeling of peace and tranquility, hyper-realistic fine-art photography style --v 5.2 --ar 4:3
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