Golden Buddha Statue Amidst Blooming Lotus Flowers in Natural Lighting

a buddha statue sitting in front of a window

This image showcases an original Buddha statue bathed in soft natural light and seated serenely outdoors amidst a resplendent bed of blooming lotus flowers. The statue's gold and deep red hues shine brightly. Its intricate details and stone textures are perfectly captured, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility. The image is characteristic of a well-documented travelogue, exuding an ambiance of narrated journeys and celebrated history.

/imagine prompt: An authentic depiction of an original Buddha statue, gold and deep reds, bathed in soft natural light. The statue sits serenely outdoors amongst a bed of lotus flowers in full bloom. Focus on the intricate details and textures carved into the stone. Shot using a Nikon D850 for ultimate resolution and detail, in the style of travelogues and documentaries --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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