Vibrant Traditional Art Depiction of Lord Shiva with Ganges River Flowing from Hair

a statue of a buddha with a waterfall coming out of it by Thota Vaikuntham

In this image, a striking representation of Lord Mahadev, or Shiva, is shown, artistically combining traditional Indian aesthetics with a contemporary flair. Characterized by detailed facial features, a prominent third-eye, and the holy river Ganges dramatically emanating from his hair. The backdrop of the sublime Himalayas injects authenticity, while a blend of photo-realism and abstract elements, and the rich contrasts, infuse the scene with life and vibrance.

/imagine prompt: A depiction of Lord Mahadev (Shiva), in the style of traditional Indian art with a modern twist. Detailed facial features, third-eye, the holy river Ganges flowing from his hair, Himalayan background. Blend of photo-realism and abstract, rich hues and vibrant contrasts, shot on Canon EOS 5DS R --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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