Detailed Bronze Statue of God Shiva with Turquoise Patina on Vibrant Saffron Backdrop

a statue of a person with a gold crown on their head

This high-resolution image depicts an intricately detailed statue of Shiva, cloaked in shimmering bronze with accents of turquoise patina. Shiva's tranquil eyes exude calm, contributing to a serene atmosphere. His majestic golden crown stands out against a vibrant saffron backdrop. Meticulous details across the statue are emphasized through lighting, revealing a brilliant mix of artistic precision and spiritual serenity.

/imagine prompt: Intricate detailing of the statue of God Shiva, cast in shimmering bronze with turquoise patina. The backdrop - a vibrant saffron. Highlight the tranquility in Shiva's eyes and the intricate details of the statue. High-resolution, detailed, and professionally lit using Broncolor gear --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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