Bronze Statue of God Shiva with Detailing and Turquoise Patina Against Saffron Background

a blue mask with gold horns on it

An intricately detailed bronze statue of God Shiva, juxtaposed against a vibrant saffron backdrop. The statue boasts a brilliant turquoise patina, contrasting beautifully with the shimmering bronze. Noteworthy are the tranquil eyes of Shiva, radiating peace amidst details carved with precision. The professional lighting setup lends dimensionality, casting nuanced shadows and bright highlights that enhance the statue's rich textures and the inherent solemnity of the image.

/imagine prompt: Intricate detailing of the statue of God Shiva, cast in shimmering bronze with turquoise patina. The backdrop - a vibrant saffron. Highlight the tranquility in Shiva's eyes and the intricate details of the statue. High-resolution, detailed, and professionally lit using Broncolor gear --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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