Hyper-Realistic Close-up of Young Afro-Asian Woman in Daylight

a close up of a person with long hair

This image showcases a high-definition, close-up of a young Afro-Asian woman's face. It highlights her unique, artistically intertwined ethnic features, her radiant skin glowing under the warmth of daylight. Light reflection captures her hair texture and the profound depth in her eyes with striking sharpness. Her facial lines and features radiate an extraordinary sense of depth and contrast, replicating a lifelike, but artful depiction.

/imagine prompt: High-definition, hyper-realistic, facial close-up of a young Afro-Asian woman, showcasing her unique fusion of ethnic features. Light reflecting off her radiant skin under the daylight, capturing the texture of her hair and the depth in her eyes with the fine detail and exceptional sharpness of the Sony Alpha 7R IV. --v 5.2 --ar 1:1
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