Golden Hour Capture of Tranquil Buddha Sculpture in Forest Garden

a buddha statue sitting in the middle of a forest

The image unveils a serene garden scene with a sculpture of Gautama Buddha bathed in the soft glow of the golden hour. Stray rays of sunlight provide an illuminating spotlight, intensifying the intricate detailing of the sculpture. The calm surroundings blur softly, drawing focus to the Buddha, invoking an atmosphere of tranquil spirituality. The ethereal light reflection heightens the transcendent quality, creating an oasis of serenity.

/imagine prompt: A serene image of a sculpture of Gautama Buddha, in a peaceful garden, captured during the golden hour. Emphasize the ray of sunlight reflecting off the sculpture, the intricate details should also be showcased. A wide aperture and deliberate bokeh help create an atmosphere of tranquil spirituality --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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