"Detail-Oriented Photograph of Ancient Buddha Statue with Closed Eyes"

a statue of a buddha with his eyes closed

This image conveys an original Buddha statue of great antiquity, revered for its tranquility. The Buddha's eyes are peacefully closed, suggesting a deep state of meditation. The texture and intricate details of the statue are faithfully represented, highlighting its notable craftsmanship. The neutrality of the colors and low exposure create a calming atmosphere, portraying a peaceful spiritual ambiance that is reminiscent of a serene, zen-inspired environment.

/imagine prompt: Captivating image of an original Buddha statue, ancient and revered, tranquil expression with eyes closed, shot using Leica M10-R, high resolution, detailed photographic representation, capturing the intricate details and texture of the statue. Capture the historical ambiance and spiritual calmness, neutral colors, low exposure, fine-art photography, zen-inspired --v 5.2 --ar 3:2
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