Golden Buddha Sculpture in Deep Meditation with Rustic Vintage Aesthetic

a golden buddha statue sitting on top of a table

This image showcases an intricately sculpted Gautam Buddha in deep meditation. His countenance radiates peace and tranquility. The sculpture is overlaid with gold, enhancing its elegance and opulence. Yet, the overall aesthetic carries a rustic, vintage touch. Framed with a shallow depth of field, the Buddha remains the center of focus amidst a subtly blurred background, reinforcing the tranquility of the scene.

/imagine prompt: A highly detailed, sculptured image of Gautam Buddha portrayed in deep meditation, styled in a gold overlay. The peaceful expression is imprinted on his face, with a visual aesthetic that matches a rustic vintage feel. Utilizing a shallow depth of field in a Nikon D850 camera to attract focus to the Buddha. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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