Golden Buddha Statue in Deep Meditation with Rustic Vintage Aesthetics

a golden buddha statue with eyes closed

This image portrays a delicately sculptured Gautam Buddha, immersed in profound meditation. Fashioned with a golden overlay, his peaceful expression epitomizes serenity. The shallow depth of field draws attention to the closed eyes of the Buddha, with a surrounding air of tranquility. An inherent rustic vintage vibe, further accentuated by the gold tones, enhances the aesthetic quality, achieving an intimate and serene depiction of the iconic figure.

/imagine prompt: A highly detailed, sculptured image of Gautam Buddha portrayed in deep meditation, styled in a gold overlay. The peaceful expression is imprinted on his face, with a visual aesthetic that matches a rustic vintage feel. Utilizing a shallow depth of field in a Nikon D850 camera to attract focus to the Buddha. --v 5.2 --ar 2:3
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